Come see us for an evaluation of your current health and the possibility to achieve a better quality life. We’ll work with you one-on-one, tailoring treatments that are just right for you!
Facial wrinkles and lines can be reduced with cosmetic injections into the skin. The two main types of injectable substances used are botulinum toxin and dermal fillers. To treat deep lines, our responsible medical director Dr. Danuta Stankiewicz and our nurse Luana Castro may decide to use both types of injectables to achieve the best result.

Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is an effective, noninvasive way to reduce unwanted hair on any area of the body. It’s noninvasive, which means it doesn’t require any cuts in your skin. Laser treatment destroys only the hair follicle during its growth cycle, having no influence on the follicles that are inactive at the time of treatment. Hair removal generally takes six to ten treatments depending on your genetics and age. Laser hair treatments are performed once every four to ten weeks.
Hydrafacial - DiamondGlow®
DiamondGlow® is more than a facial, unlike traditional wet facial treatments, which rely on chemical exfoliation to treat skin at surface level, DiamondGlow® device is a general dermabrasion device that gently removes the top layer of skin and delivers topical cosmetic serums onto the skin.

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About Us
We are HL Med Spa, A high-end beauty and wellness care center with a team of industry-leading doctors and professionals in Newark, NJ. We are devoted to providing innovative treatments focused entirely on exploring your natural beauty and body wellness. With groundbreaking technology and award-winning skincare products, we offer tailored treatments on an individual level from the inside out to enhance your medical spa experience. We believe that treating your body from the inside out will not only provide the best results but most importantly feel your best.
We are an INMODE head to toe center where we provide a variety of RF procedures such as Body & Face contouring, RF microneedling, RF vaginal rejuvenation, laser hair removal using Alexander, diode and 1064 wavelengths to cover all Fitzpatrick skin types, IPL and etc. . Our aesthetics procedures also include injectables, facials, massages, sclerotherapy, PRP, and more. Our wellness procedures begin with a general check-up with our MD anti-aging doctor, then with the individual recommendations which can include hormone replacement therapy, IV infusion, Nutrition counseling, etc